BOOK TRAILER: Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., 58, is having the first of many home visits from holographic representations of five beings from the Many Worlds Collective (MWC), a consortium of planet and star systems all around the multiverse, over a thirty-year, increasingly Utopian period. Earth...
Book clubs, teachers, librarians: Free ebooks (contact me for coupon code before 12/20/13) from author for your participants/students! TCE is a great discussion-starter and research-inspiration for upper-reading level middle/high school students and college students as well as adults interested in t...
Sally Ember,Ed.D., Jennifer Russell Hazelton and Lauren Glass, co-authors. Excellent guide for the above topics and activities as well as great manual for anyone leading theatre activities and doing scenework with tweens and teens. Easy and fun to use.