Story Title: The Runaway Bride Book Title: Once Upon a Wedding: A Fiction From the Heart Second-Chances Anthology Author: Sonali Dev Publish Date: June 11, 2019 Publisher: Self-Published Format: Kindle Source: Own copy Date Read: June 20, 2020 Review A sweet story about a bride with concerns/col...
For a while at the start of this book, I was really starting to get tired of hearing this "bless your heart" phrase and almost put the book down. Soon after that thought, it stopped and I realized that the author had to of put that in there to get us as sick of the phrase as the character. A charact...
Better Get To Livin' by Sally KilpatrickHave read some of the author's works and have enjoyed the books. This one starts out with Presley and she's run out of a house with barely anything on as the paprazzi photos her.Her agent tells her to lay low so she heads to her mothers in TN for the Christmas...
Romy and Julian’s family had been fighting for a very long time Then Romy tutors Julian and they fall in love and secretly get married. But when they are suppose to leave town together Julian doesn’t show up. Romy leaves anyway. Ten years later Romy returns to help her dad and is engaged when in re...
I received a free kindle copy of From Average Dog to Awesome Dog! A practical four-week training guide for dogs & puppies by Sally Kilpatrick in an Amazon promotion in exchange for a fair review.I gave the book four stars. It has a lot of positive steps to take in training your dog.Reward the behavi...