Went into this book knowing nothing, and sort of just sloughed through it through sheer force of will. A fair number of things kept this book from riveting itself to my hands: the lackluster introduction to this universe's version of magic, the switching POVs (which normally doesn't aggravate me, so...
I had somewhat high expectations for this book that … well, it didn't reach. The plot sounded intriguing to me, and I thought the first few chapters were great. I mean, Hell, a powerful demon on the loose, what could be more exciting than that? Unfortunately, this book dragged out for far to long, t...
What secrets does your government keep from you? Nanotechnology? Genetic engineering? In TIM: Defender of the Earth, this and much more is going on. Anna Mallahide is the daughter of scientist that works for the government. She is used to being the new girl at school because her father’s work re...