Sam Glanzman (born December 5, 1924) is an American comic-book writer/artist, best known for his Charlton Comics series Hercules, about the mythological Greek demigod; his biographical war stories about his service aboard the U.S.S. Stevens for DC Comics and Marvel Comics; and the Charlton Comics...
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Sam Glanzman (born December 5, 1924) is an American comic-book writer/artist, best known for his Charlton Comics series Hercules, about the mythological Greek demigod; his biographical war stories about his service aboard the U.S.S. Stevens for DC Comics and Marvel Comics; and the Charlton Comics Fightin' Army feature "The Lonely War of Willy Schultz", a Vietnam War-era serial about a German-American U.S. Army captain during World War II, co-created with Will Franz. Some of the titles Sam Glanzman has worked on include: Amazing-Man Comics (1939), Spitfire Comics #1 (1941), Green Hornet Comics (1943), Heroic Comics (1950), New Heroic Comics (1950), Attack (1961), Battlefield Action (1961), Fightin' Air Force (1961), Fightin' Marines (1961), Submarine Attack (1961), U.S. Air Force Comics (1961), War at Sea (1961), Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1962), Kona, Monarch of Monster Isle (1962), Lad: A Dog (1962), Marco Polo (1962), Tarzan (1964), Hercules: Adventures of the Man-God (1967-69), The Lonely War of Willy Schultz (1967, 1968), Our Army at War (1970-79), Star Spangled War Stories (1970-79), Weird War Tales (1970-79), Ghosts (1970-79), Blitzkrieg (1970-79), G.I. Combat (1970-87), Sgt. Rock (1988), Jonah Hex (1993-99), Savage Tales (1986-89), Marine Corps (1986-89), Semper Fi (1986-89), The 'Nam (1986-1989), A Sailor' Story (1987-2015), Turok Dinosaur Hunter (1992), Zorro (1992), Fantastic Worlds (2000),
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