Sam Stall has authored or co-authored more than 20 books, including the novels Night of the Living Trekkies (with Kevin David Anderson) and Dracula's Heir. His non-fiction projects span the realm of pop culture, from an examination of as-seen-on-TV products to a chronicle of bizarre suburban...
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Sam Stall has authored or co-authored more than 20 books, including the novels Night of the Living Trekkies (with Kevin David Anderson) and Dracula's Heir. His non-fiction projects span the realm of pop culture, from an examination of as-seen-on-TV products to a chronicle of bizarre suburban crimes. He's also written or co-written several books about pet ownership. Two, The Dog Owner's Manual and The Cat Owner's Manual, have achieved combined sales of more than 300,000 copies. A couple of others, 100 Dogs Who Changed Civilization and 100 Cats Who Changed Civilization, have been published in more than a dozen languages. His latest pet-intensive projects include Wedding Dogs: A Celebration of Holy Muttrimony (with Katie Preston Toepfer) and Get Out of There, Cat! (with Kristina Knapp). Sam lives in Indianapolis with his wife Jami and their son, James. Visit him at
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