Samuel Johnson
Birth date: September 18, 1709
Died: December 13, 1784
Samuel Johnson's Books
bookshelves: spring-2015, radio-4, tbr-busting-2015, classic, afr-ethiopia, lit-richer, philosophy, bellybutton-mining, feckless-procrastination, moral-high-ground, published-1759, play-dramatisation Recommended for: BBC Radio Listeners Read from March 13, 2014 to May 25, 2015
Nobody reads Johnson anymore except english majors. Which is a shame since while Johnson is disdained for his lack of political correctness in his conservative particulars, his wisdom in generalization is unassailable. Much can be gleaned from his philosophy and general opinions about life and our...
Nobody reads Samuel Johnson anymore. There are a lot of misconceptions about his conservatism that tend to make moderns think his scribbles irrelevant nowadays. This is unfortunate because a lot of what he says is sensible and the way he states it is still lively even today. I guess I'm used to a...
I read this book so I could check it off my '1001 books' list. Did I find it enlightening or life changing? Well... no. Samuel Johnson is probably best known for his English Dictionary as well as being the creator of many famous and wise sayings. Rasselas is filled with many pithy sayings, that ...
[These notes were made in 1983; I read an 1899 edition:]. Read for exams. I read this in a schools edition, with lots of nice, simple-minded notes, answering most of my simple-minded questions about historical background and sources of quotations. As for Johnson himself, I found his treatment of t...