by Melissa Marr, Xian Nu Studio
I don't know why I bought this. I know it was a used copy, and I think it was really cheap. That's still not a good explanation, because OEL manga adaptations of books don't generally have a good track record with me. Plus, I haven't even read any of Melissa Marr's books. I thought this was an adap...
Yup! You guessed it! I am still going strong with my manga binge. I don't plan to stop anytime soon. I'm just having so much fun with these. I cannot wait to keep going~ So I decided that after the last bomb I reviewed (seriously, that manga was utter crap) I had to go for something that had a littl...
Thank God for Melissa Marr, seriously. In an ocean full of been there-done that - or, as our friend Gwen would say, "Same Shit, Different Author" - Marr's stories have formed an oasis of sorts for us. They're beautiful, tragic, unique, and captivating - Wicked Lovely is one of the best contemporary ...
Ho appena finito di leggere questo volumetto e devo ammettere di non esserne completamente soddisfatta. Il tratto è molto bello e i personaggi sono molto ben disegnati, su questo nulla da eccepire, ma è la storia a non avermi convinto.Rika è una ragazza d’inverno che ora si ritrova a vivere nel dese...
It's the great Melissa Marr reread that won't die! Don't worry folks, I only have two more books to read after this, I swear! (Well, three if you count the third manga to this series coming out in 2011). I just finished the first of the manga spin off series - Wicked Lovely Desert Tales: Sanctuary. ...
I definitely want to read the rest of the mangas now! And, this reminds me just how much I need to the read Marr's Wicked Lovely series!
Rika, a faerie who used to be human, likes life in solitude away from the faerie world. She finds herself attracted to a human named Jayce. But as Jayce gets pulled into Rika's life, the faerie world comes knocking.This is the manga version of Wicked Lovely. I wasn't thrilled with this version. I ...
I have just discover manga and find it is very addictive. Whenever I get stuck in a reading slump, I pick one up and find that the pictures stimulate me enough to get over it. This story didn't disappoint me. If you are familiar with Wicked Lovely, you know how faeries can sometimes be dark and t...
It was such a treat to get this graphic novel and realize it was a completely different story within the WICKED LOVELY world. Keenan makes a brief appearance, but other than that the reader is introduced to totally new characters.Rika lives in the isolation of the desert. She maintains invisibilit...