Serena Jones is the youngest member of the FBI Art Crime Unit. She is on her first undercover assignment as the novel begins, and what could be a serious and seriously boring story is anything but. Serena is smart, a bit sassy, claustrophobic, and a great choice for narrator. She's a knowledgeable a...
Title: Desperate MeasuresAuthor: Sandra OrchardPublisher: Fleming H. Revell CompanySeries: Port Aster Secrets # 3Reviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: FiveReview:"Desperate Measures" by Sandra OrchardWhat I liked about this novel..."Desperate Measures" by Sandra Orchard was this author's 'Port Aster Secre...
I don't typically read faith-based books, so this was an interesting departure for me. I really enjoyed Zach because he was the typical protector I look for in a hero, but he also had a softness and vulnerability to his character that felt authentic. I also enjoyed the medical element of this book w...