Sang-Sun Park
Birth date: September 08, 1974
Sang-Sun Park's Books
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Full review/Пълно ревю - Bla bla blaКрасиво шоджо, подкрепено с интересна история.От прочетеното дотук, тази манхва много ми хареса. Започва бавно и епизодично - със случаите на съществата, на които Памела помага. Аналогията с Холик и Петшоп е силна - собственик на тайнствено заведение помага на кли...
Cute stories for a Manga but the artwork is what shines.
The continuation of volume one in which the story of the Princess, the Alchemist and the Jester is completed. This installment also introduces Aaron, a werewolf who is trying to get back to his 'father/lover/friend' (not sure which one really because he has all those feelings) and Belus is a bit of ...
You know what I love about Korean Manga? The artwork. It is intricate, detailed and even if the characters are very "lolita" it's still awesome.This manga is about Pamela, a woman who can see into the future and her tools are her tarot cards. With a vampire and werewolf hanging around her shop, she ...
This is the final volume of The Tarot Cafe. Nebiros offers to take Pamela to Hell to see Belial (she wants to do what she can for Belus, who is still badly hurt - Nebiros, on the other hand, has other motivations). Meanwhile, Belial instructs his people to treat Pamela with respect and kindness when...