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Santuario - Community Reviews back

by G.B. Gordon
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liz blue ~ paperback reader
liz blue ~ paperback reader rated it 10 years ago
So SO GOOD! This is fantastic world building with no info dump. And if that's not impressive enough, it's 2 very distinct cultures with separate worlds. This book focuses on Santuario and Alex's culture, but we see enough of Bengt's confusion and questions to understand some of his too. I can NOT WA...
Letras y Bucles
Letras y Bucles rated it 11 years ago
No hace mucho que empecé a ampliar mis horizontes literarios con autores que hasta hace muy poco me eran completamente ajenos, principalmente por no haber llegado aún a mis tierras, donde la industria editorial te impone y decide por vos qué tenés que leer o al menos qué es lo que ponen a tu alcance...
Nicci - TWLIB Reviews
Nicci - TWLIB Reviews rated it 12 years ago
I love Santuario. The storyline starts out with crime and murder, and as it progresses, there is the question on the origin of the island’s inhabitants. What Santuario does well is incorporate story elements of crime, murder, culture, traditional values, discrimination, science fiction, and a bit ab...
dblue rated it 12 years ago
Santuario is a novel that explores social inequality and political unrest in the guise of a murder mystery. The earth is inhabited by two populations of people. The first inhabitants are called Skanians and reside in Jarovegur. They are described as tall, fair and with the names and description; ...
BarbsBooks rated it 12 years ago
3 StarsSantuario is a novel that explores social inequality and political unrest in the guise of a murder mystery. The earth is inhabited by two populations of people. The first inhabitants are called Skanians and reside in Jarovegur. They are described as tall, fair and with the names and descripti...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 12 years ago
1* Emelie
Evaine's Books, Books and More Books
Evaine's Books, Books and More Books rated it 13 years ago
3.5 Stars!! Well, I want another half star so I can give this 3.5 stars. Santuario was a good read. I enjoyed it. Well-written with clearly defined and different characters, a juicy mystery, some interesting world-building and a plot that kept me wondering all through the book. The relationship ...
Nova rated it 13 years ago
I’m really happy that I gave this new author a try! G.B. Gordon created an interesting world with two very different societies, a mystery I wanted to see solved and above all a book with a gripping plot and two main characters you will like!Alex, being my favorite, is more the silent, lonesome type ...
MM Good Book Reviews (Pixie's books)
MM Good Book Reviews (Pixie's books) rated it 13 years ago
4 HeartsReview to follow
Rain on Roof
Rain on Roof rated it 13 years ago
Found this really hard going. Not much seemed to happen and I kept waiting for feelings between the main characters develop into something smokin. Not keen and such a grim setting with no moments to lighten it up.
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