Title: Undercover Intentions Series: Russkaya Mafiya Spin-Off Author: Sapphire Knight Genre: Romantic Suspense ARC provided for honest Review Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews Release Date: May 29, 2017 Beau Not everyone born of Mafiya blood wants to be in the life. I ...
16 stories all connected by one MMA/Charity event in Vegas on New Year's Eve. Proceeds to benefit VETSportsA nice array of stories. Some better than others... ROCKIN' THE SUITE - Rhonda James3.5 Stars...this one was super sweet. A little abrupt in the ending in my opinion, but still cute.THE MAIN EV...
I was gifted an ARC, in exchange for an honest review... Thank you Nina Levine. Although I was gifted this, I will definitely go out & buy the Anthology, as this cause is close to my heart. I would love to thank everyone who has submitted their scene for this great cause. Some of the authors are new...
MC is my fave genre I could read them for days.If you're a MC whore like myself you are going to love this Book for Boobies.It is a great MC collection already featuring two of my faves Nina Levine and River Savage.I have now added more to my collection as you can never have enough right.Every singl...
I had a much harder time getting into this book than Secrets. I really liked Secrets. I think part of the problem was I am just not that big of a fan of London. Second, this book was pretty much just sex. Personally, thats not really why I read so that might not be bothersome to you as a reader! (I'...
Heat: 4.5This book was right up my alley! Mafia hotties, cool cars, lots of secondary characters so you know they will get their own books! I really liked Emily as a character. She was broken, but it came across as very real. She moved to TN to get away from her problems (why don't more characters i...