Brainycat's 5 "B"s:blood: 0boobs: 1bombs: 0bondage: 0blasphemy: 0Bechdel Test: PASSDeggan's Rule: FAILGay Bechdel Test: PASSPlease note that I only read about 15% of this book, then skimmed quickly through another 10% before I gave up on it. So my scores only reflect the first quarter of the book.Ag...
Really fun mash up of classic themes with some bad ass women.The illustrations were BEAUTIFUL.
A short but enthralling story, Convent of the Pure was a treat for my reading palate. This interesting take on angels and the Nephilim inspires eager anticipation to return to the intriguing world where science meets fantasy, in a time lost in the end of the 19th Century.Reviewed for Bitten by Books...