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Hard Pass by Sara NeyMy rating: 5 of 5 starsNey may have just outdone herself. Hard Pass packs a sober reality into an irresistible sense of humor with heartwarming results. Noah is not your average heartthrob. He's one heartache short of insecure. My heart aches for him as surely as it roots for hi...
Ney knows how to lift a heart. Bachelor Boss is more humorous than tempting, but Phillip and Spencer prove themselves to be a duo to watch. What pulled me in was figuring out who of the two would leave a lasting impression on my heart.
The alpha you want to hate becomes the playboy you can't live without. Sara Ney has dibs on what looks to be the perfect book boyfriend. Brooks shouts heartbreaker from a mile away. Abbott has no idea what she's in for. Or does she have a few tricks up her sleeve tame this beastly bad boy? Bastard B...
Triple J is about to meet his match off the field. Charlie and Jackson definitely light up the pages with their electric chemistry and their back and forth banter. Ney gradually pulls at emotions with a relationship that shouldn't work, but somehow does. Charlie has a chip on her shoulder a mile wid...
Ney and Quinn have created the perfect guilty pleasure read. Love Sincerely Yours is a smart look at what could be a dumb decision. Peyton and Rome are my favorite mistake. A relationship that shouldn't work, but so obviously does. Blame it on the alcohol or the sizzling attraction, but I laughed mo...