I swear, Sara's Girl can do NO wrong. It's like she knows the characters, all of them, better than just about anyone. This is an 8th year fic, everyone back at school. Harry has been trying to be friendly with Draco pretty much keeps to himself, and ignores all Harry's overtures of friendship. Then,...
Sara's girl is an exceptional writer and one of my favourites in Drarry fandom. She always surprises with new and original ideas and plot twists and her characterisation of Draco and Harry -- hell, of all the characters -- is spot on. I really love her for this..That being said, I have to admit that...
Saras_Girl's TURN is one of my favorite Drarry stories, so I had high hopes for this one.And it was pleasant. But also rather predictable. And also somewhat frustrating that due to Harry's accident, there's virtually no interaction between them until like two-thirds through the story. And then ev...