Photos from pre-digital camera days (the 1980s). They vary wildly in quality, and I don't think the book is of much interest today, even to historians, unless you were personally connected with producing it or took one of the photos. In these days of vast online archives, we only need a little bit o...
Snort...The wisdom of Sarah Ferguson: The Duchess of York's new book has some useful advice for even the lowliest British subject.
A Sarah Duchess of York book in the Helping Hand series. This topic was handled with sensitivity and care. Would be helpful in an appropriate context.
I can't believe I'm admitting to liking this pink sparkly princessy book by Sarah 'The Duchess of York' Ferguson (groan) in a public space! As much as I kind of want to hate on stuff like this as girly-girl pandering....I *gulp* actually liked it. It really shouldn't be a surprise though. I'm a b...