I liked this. Not a big stand out, but I did enjoy it.
Nice, but the first book was better.
I'm really enjoying this series, and I think I liked this book even more than the first. The characterization of both Jacob and Mary Beth is extremely well done. They're not cardboard cut-outs, by any means. Both of them have understandable issues with intimacy, but they manage to make their rela...
Hero's name is Jacob Plenty Holes = Romance.Heroine's name is Janice Plenty Holes = Porn.
Just like Mystic Cowboy Sarah takes us back to the White Sandy in Masked Cowboy. We get to see Rebel and Madeline again but this is about Jacob and his lady-love Mary-Beth with a side visit to the reservation. We get to see who has been behind the poisonings and find out more about the town that s...