An antidote to the toxic attitude toward immigrants of color right now. As if people of Northern European descent somehow have a more valid claim to American citizenship than indigenous people of the continent. It's like demanding that the UK remain for Romans only. Set in 1957 the dresses are sp...
The Library is simply delightful. Written by Sarah Stewart and illustrated by David Small, it tells the story of a little girl named Elizabeth Brown who was unlike everyone else her age. She was more interested in reading than going to parties. She was fascinated by books instead of boys. She'd pref...
Lovely illustration. Nice enough story though rather goody-goody.
Unusual epistolary style, single-sided! The large boxes to make a quiet place are an interesting device, again unusual. The girl is not overly uncomfortable in her new home, and explicit use of the birthday party helps us see the motif of feeling invited. There were so many opportunities for conflic...
The cosy, old school hand-painted illustration of a book-cluttered hall in karen's review together with the title The Library enticed me to grab this, appropriately, from my local library. I'm so glad I did! Yes, I'll grudgingly admit I'm not a child anymore, but I'm well aware of these new soulless...