9780340590225 (034059022X)
Edition language: English
What can I say, I'm into Hindu/Buddhist/New Age-y concepts and that kind of stuff. Granted, Sati doesn't really tell us anything new, but the things she does tell us, are worth retelling. "Why be optimistic about the future? Why be pessimistic? Why not see things as they are? The present is always ...
It's not bad, but it has nothing very new to me either. The premise might be new when it was published, and Sati's words are generally very well written. On the other hand, I don't really care about other characters. I like the line "Christ's words had been twisted inside out the same day he had spo...
I remember loving this book when I was a kid (I mean, I was a devoted Pike fan anyway, but this one was near the top for me), so when I saw this beautifully repackaged version, I figured I'd be picking it up sometime...Borders had it today for 50ยข!
What if God were one of us? It has happened before. If you read the bible, then you know. And no, I am not talking about Jesus. Anywho, I really liked this book. I adored Sati. She was a bit strange but she did what she came to do.I admit that some things that she did where not all god like. There w...
There was a time when this was my favorite book ever. EVER. Around 1995.