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Saturday - Community Reviews back

by Ian McEwan
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Calyre rated it 6 years ago
Il hausse les épaules. "Aucune personne sensée n'est jamais pour la guerre. Mais dans cinq ans, on se félicitera peut-être de l'avoir faite. [...] Tu as raison, ça peut tourner au désastre. Mais ça peut aussi marquer la fin d'un autre désastre et le début de quelque chose de mieux. Tout dépend de l'...
reading4fun rated it 10 years ago
I noticed reading other reviews that the one that gave SATURDAY a one or two star review said for one reason or another that they "could" not or did not finish the book. I can see why they did not see the greatness of the book in that circumstance. I have never read a book like this before now. It w...
Hellen rated it 12 years ago
Just saving some quotes:p. 127"It was once convenient to think biblically, to believe we're surrounded for our benefit by edible automata on land and sea. Now it turns out that even fish can feel pain. This is the growing complication of the modern condition, the expanding circle of moral sympathy."...
nouveau rated it 12 years ago
Ian McEwan is my favorite author I have to hate. when I was 17-19, I despised most of all "weak tea" poets and writers: people whose dealt with middle-age, old-age, their dog, their cat. since then, I have grown to understand there are gradations within this sort of work, but McEwan always feels "ri...
JulieM rated it 12 years ago
This story covers a single Saturday in the life of Henry Perowne, a London neurosurgeon. Most of the book covers pretty mundane activities as Perowne goes through his normal weekend routine and planning for a dinner party with his family. At first, I kept on thinking that this was a male version of ...
newwavepolly rated it 12 years ago
It wasn't a bad book, or badly written, and it hasn't curbed my desire to read other Ian McEwan books. The plot and characters were completely improbable, and the descriptive passages were long winded. Besides that it wasn't THAT bad, just sooo... meh.
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 12 years ago
SaturdayNarrated by Steven CrossleyTBR busting 2013fraudiomainlinf ficpub 2005man booker longlist
Just Olga and her books
Just Olga and her books rated it 13 years ago
Great book, particularly reflections of the main character. Evidently lots of research went into the book and good psychological insights.
Ironic Contradictions
Ironic Contradictions rated it 13 years ago
Jonathan sits before his reliable laptop, gathering his thoughts on how to begin a review of Ian McEwan's Saturday. He has already made up his mind as to how he shall write this review, a mediocre attempt at emulating Mr McEwan's third-person, present-tense style, will suffice. Yet he struggles with...
I'm Reading...
I'm Reading... rated it 14 years ago
Other thoughts/reviews: Everyday I Write the Book: http://everydayiwritethebookblog.com/2013/02/saturday-by-ian-mcewan/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2FvAsA+%28Everyday+I+Write+the+Book+Blog%29
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