Saul Williams
Birth date: February 29, 1972
Saul Williams's Books
Another great one by Saul Williams. It offers a social commentary on the importance of hip-hop in the African-American community in particular, and the unfortunate misogynistic turn hip-hop has taken (the main reason I don't listen to it anymore). Most of the poems in this book are hip-hop inspired,...
I loved, loved, loved this book. Saul Williams definitely has a way with words, both his choice of words and the play on words that he utilized. Before I had even finished reading this book, I had already ordered another of his books on Amazon, that's how good he is.The poems depict a relationship w...
Last night I was trying to decide which books to take with me to my parent's house for Christmas, picked up this book meaning to read a few lines, ended up reading the entire poetry collection in roughly an hour. I don't think I've ever read poetry quite like this before. The introduction says that ...