Saxton Freymann
Birth date: October 30, 1980
Saxton Freymann's Books
Adorable story and the most amazing creations of his that I have seen! The process to make the book is explained in the back (everything is edible) and a list of the vegetables is given at the back. There are a number of unusual ones.
Dogs made out of fruit and vegetables--what's not to love? Brings to mind my cabbage dog holiday ornament but not so kitchy: is, however full of silly puns. Delightful!
It's art; it's food; it's so cool. No, really, it's pretty amazing stuff. Library copy
These books crack me up. We spend ages peering at them to work out the details of how they're made. Also, we're fans of bad puns. ***This is exactly the sort of book that makes the teenagers roll their eyes at me. But I am stalwart. Once I have an image such as one of these in my mind, nothing wil...
These guys, they make vegetables into faces, or animals or whatever, and then they take pictures of them. It sounds stupid, but it's brilliant, really.