by Uwem Akpan
My heart aches for the children in Africa. This is one of those rare books that deeply moved me. (Review coming soon)
I'm torn about this book because it was very graphic and disturbing to me. On the other hand, it opened up my world view to realize how much is really going on out there and how little I know about it. It made me look at my kids differently, I'll tell you that.
All short stories. Different things that others must deal with to just make it each day.
I usually avoid stories with child protagonists as their preternatural sophistication and astute observations seem unrealistic and off-putting. They know too much. Uwem Akpan’s characters in _Say You’re One of Them_ apply their simple logic to their lives in the face of child prostitution, human tr...
Uwem Akpan is a Nigerian priest. This is a collection of five stories about children in various African countries coping with the brutal realities of their situations. The first three stories, harrowing though they are, preserve some sense of hope. The children preserve some sense of innocence, find...
I decided to try some of the Oprah Book club selections because I looked at the list and saw a number of books I really liked such as Anna Karenina, Faulkner's Light in August, Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton, etc. This is the current selection.The stories in this book are really good, though...