by Jennifer Ashley
This short story was ok. Nothing spectacular, but cute. The way the couple gets together was a bit funny; he was so drunk he tripped and fell onto her in front of the journalists hounding her. The ruse of the engagement was a nice plot detail, it kept these two strangers together long enough to come... Scandal and the Duchess is bright and bubbly like good champagne. Jennifer Ashley has delivered a fast-paced tale that is wonderfully entertaining, thanks to her two irresistibly charming protagonists, Rose and Steve...
This story is novella-length and quite a lot of fun. Steven McBride is scrumptious as the hero and his heroine, Rose Barclay, the dowager Duchess of Southdown, is a delight. Their initial meeting, with Steven literally falling at her feet on the street in a drunken stupor, is priceless. The next day...
I received a digital edition from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed this addition to the MacKenzie / McBride series. It was a bit of the regent delicate flower hoodlum womanizing duke type read but it wasn't over played and it wasn't filled with ridiculous antics that most storie...