by Elizabeth Hoyt
more like 3.5 - review of the audiobook to follow
My Rating: 3.5 I have looked forward to reading Scandalous Desires, Silence's story, ever since I read about her and her situation in Wicked Intentions. How will she manage after all she's been through? First, her husband William and her family doesn't believe her after that "scandal", her reputatio...
Loved it! Mickey was a wonderful hero, very protective of his woman, and while it took him a long while to realzie he loved her, he wasn't stupid enough to ever think of her as 'just another woman'; she was always special to him. The dialogues were sparkling and witty, sometimes humorous, others poi...
Scandalous Desires is a perfectly written historical romance, you will not want to set this book down. Whether you love pirates or not you will fall hard and fast, and the name Charming Micky O'Connor will forever be fixed in your memory.Hoyt has brought Mick and Silence together once again, though...
***spoilers if you haven't read book two in the series***Big five stars! I made a new 'favorite hero shelf' just for Charming Mickey. This series just gets better and better. I just knew that I'd love Mickey and Silence's story, and I was right. I highly recommend reading the first two in the se...
I give this book a strong 4.5 rating. I loved how the author built this story up in previous books. You already have an affinity for Silence. You already knew a bit about Mick/Michael.Silence - nothing to not like about her. At one point, I did get a bit miffed. I'm not into using love as a lever to...
4/5; 4 stars; A-I enjoyed this book more than the first two in the series although they were both good too. This story brings The Silence/Mick duo full circle. He had done a lot of damage to her and in this story he has an opportunity to repair that damage. I'm not really reading much histori...
4.5 STARSPosted on Under the CoversHoyt’s latest hero, Charming Mickey O’Conner will probably be one of my favourite heroes this year. As a river pirate, Mickey is as dangerous and as cunning as they come. With instincts as sharp as that of a wolf, it’s no wonder why Silence is unnerved by him.Sile...
Grade: C This book has the abused-as-a-child hero, a compassionate heroine, but throw in the cute dog and tidy HEA it becomes a bit much. For someone who didn't want anyone to know where she was at there was little done to hide her identity to and from Mickey's. And a here's a tangent related to ...