Schattenmacht (Die fünf Tore, #3)
9783833727603 (3833727608)
Publish date: January 27th 2011
Publisher: Jumbo Neue Medien
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: The Gatekeepers (#3)
Jamie and Scott are twins. They got a birthmark that looks like a tattoo. Jamie and Scott were under an abusive man Dan White who forced them to participate in a circus. Their performance is not a trick. Jamie and Scott is telepathically connected. So someone want to kidnap them. Scott go...
An interesting story
+ میخوام چهار و نیم بدم، ولی اعشار نداره دیگه...راستش بعضی وقتا وقتی فانتزی وارد ماجرا می شه یه کم دیر باور می کنم. زیادی به الکس و کلا رئالیسم مجموعه قبلش معتاد شدم. ولی آنتونی توی هر ژآنری خیلی علاقه به اغراق داره، به شکلای مختلف. بی استثنا همه ی کتاباش حاوی این اغراق بی فایده که باعث پایین اومدن ...
While the second book lagged a bit this picked up the pace a fair bit. You meet the third and fourth of the five, a pair of twins, Scott and Jamie Tyler, foundlings who can read each other's mind and are currently using it as part of a stage magic show. When Scott is kidnapped, Jamie has to find h...
4 1/2 AGAIN :)