It all started when Scott was ten and his mother wouldn't let him see a movie he had no business seeing. Thinking he knew everything (because what child doesn't know everything?), Scott decided to show his mother just how mature he was by writing his own take on the movie. It didn't matter that...
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It all started when Scott was ten and his mother wouldn't let him see a movie he had no business seeing. Thinking he knew everything (because what child doesn't know everything?), Scott decided to show his mother just how mature he was by writing his own take on the movie. It didn't matter that Scott had no idea what he was doing--after all, he'd only seen the previews--nor did it matter that Scott only ended up validating his mother's stance by writing a story just as gory as she thought the movie would be. What mattered was the fact that Scott had discovered something: he loved to write. And now that he knew he loved it, he finally had something he could do with all those strange ideas that were constantly running through his head.For the longest time, Scott considered himself a literary writer, but after many years of bad poetry and unfinished novels, he realized it was not meant to be. His true passion, he discovered, was genre fiction. Scott had been raised on Science Fiction, Fantasy, and, most importantly, Horror. And at the end of the day, it was in these strange and fantastic worlds that Scott was most comfortable, and most inspired. It seemed only fitting he should then return to them and add his own worlds to the universes there, for others to explore and revel in their terrifying beauty.Scott started with screenplays and then moved onto short stories and novelettes. When he had a sizable body of work, he began linking each screenplay, short story, and novelette, so that they existed within the same world, creating a rich tapestry of characters and plots. And then he realized these works were building towards something: an even greater story, one which could not only benefit from the intricate timeline of supplemental material, but one that could be expressed fully through the use of the same genres that had informed Scott's creations all his life: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.That's when he started The Bones of the Earth, his first novel and the first part of his post-apocalyptic fantasy/horror series.Today, Scott works ceaselessly on the follow-up to "The Bones of the Earth" and its companion novel.NOVELSThe Bones of the Earth (June 2015)SHORT STORIESHouse of a Thousand Hearts (July 2014)That which Walks Behind the Graves (August 2014)The Easiest Job in the World (June 2013)Black Occult Macabre Vol. 1, Issue 7 (August 2013)SCREENPLAYSThe Fool (August 2013)Night of the Witch (October 2013)Apostate (August 2014)CONTACT INFORMATIONScott's website (in development):'s Facebook:'s Twitter: https:'s Amazon page:'s Goodreads page:
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