Scott Jarol grew up reading classic science fiction by Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, and Michael Crichton, which inspired his lifelong pursuit of science, technology, and creative writing. Scott lives outside Seattle, Washington with his wife Nancy, one remaining...
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Scott Jarol grew up reading classic science fiction by Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, and Michael Crichton, which inspired his lifelong pursuit of science, technology, and creative writing. Scott lives outside Seattle, Washington with his wife Nancy, one remaining teenager in a series of six great kids, a lazy Staffordshire Bull Terrier named Pumpkin Pie, and a feisty chicken who's made it clear to the dog that she's in charge.Scott's newest book, his first novel, is a science fiction thriller for middle grade readers (8-12 year olds) based on concepts from the mysterious worlds of quantum mechanics and dark matter.
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