sure I even know a Scott McClanahan. However, I have read five of his books now and I have seen him on TV, or my equivalent of TV, if you can count and consider youtube as part of my inadequate equation. I have also heard...
The short stories of Scott McClanahan are sometimes wonders to behold. He has within himself a childlike wonder of the world, even though he has lived, it seems, in a much different reality than most of us are faced with. His is a harsh environment with extreme characters roaming around in it. But M...
I liked this book very much and may up my rating to four stars depending on what follows. I think he has much better work in store for me. [b:Stories|6376375|Stories|Scott McClanahan||6564061] and [b:Stories II|7462498|Stories II|Scott McClanahan... that is exactly my point. It is not about you, it’s about Scott McClanahan.___M SarkiComparisons might be made to [a:Donald Ray Pollock|784866|Donald Ray Pollock|
He wrote the hell outta CRAPALACHIA, a scary "Biography of a Place" that makes the easy assumptions of rich and privileged people with computers do tarantellas of terror. And I reviewed it: Strong. Excellent.