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Scott Morton
Scott V. Morton - Born in Massachusetts, and raised (by a loving family of wolves) in the town of Mansfield. A well educated New England upbringing led to a restless search for meaning. Various paths taken as a Biker, Soldier, and Construction Worker, combined with an all-around gypsy-like... show more

Scott V. Morton - Born in Massachusetts, and raised (by a loving family of wolves) in the town of Mansfield. A well educated New England upbringing led to a restless search for meaning. Various paths taken as a Biker, Soldier, and Construction Worker, combined with an all-around gypsy-like lifestyle gave him a well rounded respect for the world we create. Now, living in Florida, he splits his time between writing and the beach paradise he calls home. Like him on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/scott.the.author
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