by Josephine Myles
Short, fun, sexy, interesting, hot!
Better than the first.
Sometimes when an author writes a follow up to a good book, I end upnthinking "they should have left well enough alone." Not so here. This was a great addition to the story, tying up loose ends and smoothing over some of the things that bugged me in the original story. Well done.
This is a nice follow up story which revisists Alisdair and Cosmo about ten months into their relationship. Cosmo is trying to give up smoking and Alisdair is challeneged to detour Cosmos's oral fixation *g*. What I truly appreciated is that this story is not all about sex, but again shows us the lo...
Short in which Cosmo is manipulated into giving up his cigarettes in return for a birthday present. Alasdair tries to distract him from the withdrawl..'Despite the whole corporate arsehole daytime act, underneath it all Alasdair was a hot leather Daddy with cool tattoos and a secret marshmallow cent...