I received a free copy of this novel through the Arcycling blog Ritchie has a bad attitude. He kinda has a few reasons for the chip on his shoulder; his dad left, his sister was killed by a drunk driver, and his mom decided to become a lesbian. Plus he’s in juvie, serving a ninety day sentence and...
The voice in this is amazing. Couldn't put it down. Ritchie is the most authentic teen I've read since Winger by Andrew Smith.
My reading experience for this title was probably marred by the fact that it included both a forward and afterword purporting to be from the editor and claiming that this manuscript ‘mysteriously appeared in their offices’ and since I hate that kind of intrusion with a BURNING PASSION, it really mes...
I have all of Beaudoin's books in my library. it makes sense - his main characters are all teenage boys facing up to some pretty serious life issues. He loves playing around with genre and they are smart & funny.Well, I imagine they all are. This is the first one I have read & I loved every bit of i...
Not my typical fare, but super well written.Read my review here.
Read Review at Bewitched BookwormsYou all know these moments when you start a book and don’t really know what to expect, only to end up being super surprised. When “Wise Young Foul” came in, I wanted to read it because it sounded great and … well, the word “rockstar” totally helped a little too. But...
I picked this up just to see what it was about and ended up devouring the first 50 pages before I realized I was still sitting in an uncomfortable chair. The narrator's clear, strong voice is immediately engaging, and the situations and problems feel realistic, his reactions to them honest and intr...