SEAN PATRICK TRAVER is a native of Los Angeles, where he continues to live with his wife and cat. His writing explores the hidden worlds that lurk behind the sleek facade LA presents to a casual observer. In addition to the traffic jams, the film studios, and the cookie-cutter suburbs, there...
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SEAN PATRICK TRAVER is a native of Los Angeles, where he continues to live with his wife and cat. His writing explores the hidden worlds that lurk behind the sleek facade LA presents to a casual observer. In addition to the traffic jams, the film studios, and the cookie-cutter suburbs, there are opulent courtyards and private gardens high up in the Hills, as well as blank, black-market warehouses crouched down in the Valley below. There are ritual shrines hidden near the hiking trails and secret practitioners who summon the spirits left over from a thousand years of history. Suburban shamans, rogue necromancers, criminal cabals and computer-savvy witches all populate the pages of his fiction. Sean currently has several screenplays in development. Visit him online at
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