Tom Nichols is wrong about eggs. I will come back to this point below, but before I get there, I just want to write the sentence. Because apparently, nobody on the entire Internet has written that sentence before now. (Or if they have, somehow Google can't see it.) And... He is. So if anyone ...
3.5 stars on Booklikes (this rounds down to 3 stars on Goodreads). Continuing my obsession with behavioral economics. Having read The Undoing Project and Thinking, Fast and Slow, I was familiar with many of the concepts and examples discussed in Nudge, but still, Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein ...
If we were all unfeeling iRobots (floor cleaners) who respond to the random encounters in our lives by simply changing direction then the premise of this book is justified, for we would all follow our individual drunkard's walks to whatever probabilistic future awaits us. However taking this a step ...
A nice pop-but-somewhat-technical book on dopamine. I found it easy to follow, but it is neurochemically focused and probably requires some familiarity with brain function.
My bone to pick with this popular stats/probability text is that Mlodinow indulges in the same sloppy examples and logic that marred so many of my math and science classes. If you're going to talk probability, stick with dice. As a nerd from the early days of Dungeons and Dragons, I completely under...