by Patricia C. Wrede, David Baker, Craig Middleton, Bill Molesky
One of the copies of this series I'm reading has an introduction. Don't read the introductions if you haven't read the series before. They're full of spoilers. I clearly don't remember this series very well because I couldn't even remember the narrator of this book. But it holds up to rereading wi...
Can I say that I love the Enchanted Forest Chronicles even though I've only read two out of the four books only? Because I am going to say that! This installment is just as good as the first. Lost of magic and adventure and hilarity~ I'm telling you, I love the commentary some of the characters prov...
October 7, 2007July 21, 2014Sometimes a king just wants to walk away from all the tedious business of running a country, especially if he's the only one doing all the tedious work of running the country. Even more so if he has an officious steward looking reproachfully at him all the time because he...
Continuing my reread of the series. This book did suffer a bit from not having Kazul. But I like Mendanbar and he was a good counterpart to Cimorene.
this is a great continuation for the first novel. Cimorene is fantastic as always and Mandanbar is really her match. Wrede is't dealing with romance in a cheesy way, actually she barely touches it. keeping things fun, light, simple and enjoyable as always.
I really loved this book! I especially loved the audio version. It was great to meet the old and new characters of this enchanted world! I love fractured fairy tales and this adventure was no exception!
Cimorene is back for another adventure, but this time she’s bringing along King Mendanbar of the Enchanted Forest. Their journey to find and rescue Kazul, King of the dragons, leads them to all sorts of places where they meet many strange people including Herman (formerly known as Rumpelstiltskin) a...
And we're back in the Enchanted Forest! Things never go as planned with Princess Cimorene... this book is another masterpiece of Wrede's! Love it!
Hilarious! Loved it. Recommended to all!
Second book in the Enchanted Forest series, and the first to actually take place in the Enchanted Forest. These are, as always a mix of zany humor and zippy plots. However, the relationship between Mendenbar and Cimorene seems to have a little more reality to it than the rest. [Sept. 2011]