by Hugh Howey
Another fantastic Hugh Howey book. I can't recommend this series enough. The last chapter just blew me away!
I don't know why, but I believe I've become a devoted fan of this series. It has been known to happen, I suppose. Mr. Howey's storytelling is excellent and engaging. I am looking forward to the next two eagerly.
I don't know. The further in Wool series, the more I'm confused. I simply don't understand the motivation of the characters, but I still enjoy it.3 stars.
Mixed feelings. I'll get back to you.
Damn you, Hugh Howey, damn you! Damn you for writing such great books. Damn you for making me feel with these characters. And damn you for the cliffhanger - GRRRRR!!!!! But I love how the lines between right and wrong, good and bad blur so much that one can barely tell which is which. I tip my hat t...