Second Time Around
This sequel to Time Lottery follows a similar theme. Three more contestants are given the unique opportunity to visit their past – and the choice to live within that new reality. Can David Stancowsky stop the love of his life from dying? Will Vanessa Caldwell break the patterns of dysfunction...
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This sequel to Time Lottery follows a similar theme. Three more contestants are given the unique opportunity to visit their past – and the choice to live within that new reality. Can David Stancowsky stop the love of his life from dying? Will Vanessa Caldwell break the patterns of dysfunction before she makes a terrible mistake? And why does Hollywood A-lister, Lane Holloway, want to return home?
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Format: paperback
9781593104788 (1593104782)
Publish date: November 1st 2004
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Pages no: 384
Edition language: English
Series: Time Lottery (#2)