by Scott Sherman
So, you know how I really really really liked book 1, [b:First You Fall|3741522|First You Fall (Kevin Connor Mystery #1)|Scott Sherman||3785342]?Well, I really really (I'll leave it at 2 reallys for now) did not like book 2, [b:Second You Sin|1245...
Again, amusing in a soap opera sort of way. It was very Hollywood, which isn't bad, but I feel like some of the plot points begged a more realistic approach.I ended up skipping the entire middle of the book because I got bored. I landed randomly on the part where Kevin's pretending he's in love with...
Damned, I want book three RIGHT NOW :)And I really don't like Tony
Very good gay mystery in which Kevin tries to figure out why some other rent boys have been killed or injured. This one ends on a heckuva relationship cliffhanger - I hope the next book is out soon!
These books are so funny. A little bit of romance and it looks like that may get heavier in any upcoming books. It's going in a direction that isn't my favorite Tony has a kid in this genre but most people like it so read on!.
Scott Sherman's debut book (which features Kevin Connor, male prostitute extraordinaire), [b:First You Fall|3741522|First You Fall (Kevin Connor Mystery #1)|Scott Sherman||3785342], was one of my earliest experience with gay mystery genre....