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Secret Sins - Lora Leigh
Secret Sins
by: (author)
Format: kindle
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks
Pages no: 384
Edition language: English
Series: The Callahans (#3)
Community Reviews
Sandra HappyGirl
Sandra HappyGirl rated it
5/26/2013The Bad:~ Four pages in and one of the *MAIN* character's name is wrong… unless she's referring to a new character (but I don't think so).~ Anna (the heroine) has been kicked out of home with only the clothes on her back.. no purse, shoes etc.. she sneaks back in to grab some clothes... a...
Cocktails and Books
Cocktails and Books rated it
2.0 Secret Sins
I have always heard great things about Lora Leigh’s books. And, having never read one, I was really excited for the opportunity to experience this one. The verdict? It was…… okay. It’s the third book in Leigh’s Callahan series, and I would highly recommend that you read the series from the start...
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