Overall, I enjoyed this book. It had several things going against it to me -- for one, a May-December marriage really isn't my thing. Being 19 years old and being forced to marry a man quite literally old enough to be your father *ahem* doesn't really scream "HEA" to me, but, to each their own.The ...
I like this book, it was well thought out, funny, dramatic, all that stuff.The subtext between the leading man and his father in law was VERY homo-erotic. If you read slash, you'll see a great set up for an mm novel in the begining.Also, I totally think the leading man is the chick's father. Gross...
When I read this book, I was thinking, where has it been all my life. This book is a must read if you like tortured, scarred heroes, and forced marriage books. I like that both characters were pragmatic and made the most of their forced marriage, and committed to it, and found love together.