Selling Hitler: The Story Of The Hitler Diaries
Robert Harris (author)
9780571135578 (0571135579)
Edition language: English
bookshelves: autumn-2011, published-1986, nonfiction Read in November, 2011 True Grimenon-fictionnazi-relatedfilthy lucreconspiracy1986autumn 2011Opening - On April Fool's Day 1983 the distinguished historian Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper, first Baron Dacre of Glanton, was telephoned at his country h...
Now available at BBC:, thank you Laura.I find the BBC rendition kind of boring. Maybe the book is better? Or maybe it is not might type of book. When I have to choose what to listen to at lunch I pick the audio of Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetf...
True Crimenon-fictionnazi-relatedfilthy lucreconspiracy1986autumn 2011Opening - On April Fool's Day 1983 the distinguished historian Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper, first Baron Dacre of Glanton, was telephoned at his country home in Scotland by the assistant editor of The Times, Mr Colin Webb.Right there...