by Elizabeth Bear
Rating: 4.3* of fiveThe Book Description: The sequel to New Amsterdam!The wampyr has walked the dark streets of the world's great cities for a thousand years. In that time, he has worn out many names--and even more compatriots.Now, so that one of those companions may die where she once lived, he has...
This novella brings back the characters from the stories of New Amsterdam 40 years later (1938). I liked the portrayal of the vampire caring for his aging companions and the description of how his identities and memories flow away from him over the years. It's an odd parallel magic-using world whe...
The sequel to New Amsterdam, although it says so nowhere in the book. I read this without having read its predecessor (dear publishers: PLEASE label sequels), but I got a handle on the characters, their relationships, and the world pretty quickly. I like this best of everything I've read by Bear. ...