Seven Up
ASIN: B004P1J2Y0
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Stephanie Plum 2 (#7)
Stephanie Plum, Book 7 I Picked Up This Book Because: Continue the series. The Characters: Stephanie Plum: Joe Marelli: Ranger, Lula, Grandma Mazur The Story: Another day in the life for our bumbling bounty hunter. Stephanie is called to capture Eddie DeChooch a semi retired criminal and of cou...
I enjoyed many of the Stephanie Plum series when I was a teenager and young adult. However, now that I'm older and have read a few of the more recent additions, I'd have to say I'm a little disappointed. There hasn't been much character development or movement forward. It's the same general routi...
I have had it up to here with Stephanie Plum. It was funny the first couple times but DAMMIT WOMAN ORGANIZE YOUR PURSE AND STOP FUMBLING FOR YOUR PEPPER SPRAY AND LEARN TO HANDLE YOUR GUN or else find another job that's not a bounty hunter if you hate it so much and if you don't then PULL YOUR SHIT...
I go into these books knowing that there is going to be romance, humor, and a lot of car crashes. This one was no different. Stephanie had to pick up Eddie DeChooch, an old man who missed his court date. Simple enough since he’s an old guy, but apparently not for Stephanie and Lula. I lost count of ...
Coraz więcej abstrakcyjnych przygód Śliwki. Wszystko kręci się wokół niej i wszyscy ją uwielbiają. Trochę za bardzo robi się to przesłodzone. Nawet Komandos staje się podobny do Morellego, zamiast się od niego różnić. Wolałabym, żeby więcej było skupiania się na wątku kryminalnym, bo ten zostaje już...