Absolutely one of the weirdest comics I've ever read. The writing is quite good, and Milligan really put in some extra effort in developing the characters, especially Kathy. But I kind of feel like the entire point of the series was weird just for the sake of weirdness, and maybe I'm just full up on...
An alien named Shade wins up in the body of a killer while he's being executed in the electric chair. Shade and Kathy, daughter of two of the killer's victims, go on a strange odyssey and combat the American Scream...When people talk about British comic writers, Peter Milligan is usually an afterth...
Peter Milligan's 'Enigma' I loved, but this was just noisy and pretentious.
I bought these as individual issues (1-6) ...not the collected "graphic novel", sometime in the late 1980's... early '90s. Every single one is precious to me.