by Jasper Fforde
Four stars for pulling off the absurdity, although it mellows out towards the end.The story tells of the last four days of Eddie Russet's life before he's eaten by a carnivorous tree. He's a young lowly "red", only higher than a "grey" in the chromatic structure of his society because at least he ca...
This inventive dystopian novel set in a society that has a caste system based on which colours one can perceive and precisely how much of it one can perceive, was a fun read. It took a long time to get going, but once it did, I was along for the ride and was engaged. I liked the characters, partic...
Wow.I had zero idea what to think when I picked up Shades of Grey from the bookstore. When I say "no idea," I really mean not a fucking clue in the entire world; I didn't even read the blurb on the back. It had been recommended to me, that was all. I have never been so glad that I bought a random...
the world of Shades of Grey is a nightmarish dystopia: a ruthless totalitarian regime that destroys all individualistic spirit, all creativity and ambiguity and questioning of authority; a monstrous government that divides its citizens into color-stratified class/caste systems that is based upon the...