by Linda Howard
There is a reason why this book is getting such a low rating.It scarred me for life and here I thought I was going to get brain candy.I cannot even write a rant because I am so distressed. But because I don't want people to be scarred for life like I was, I will tell you why this book got a horrib...
Vintage Linda Howard. 'Nuff said.
toooooo much angst - but I'm not gonna lie, I do love Linda Howard hahah
A very absorbing story invoking many emotions with a surprising who-done-it plot but midway action slowed with too many people ruminating and I didn't completely sympathize with heroines extremes. Orphaned Roanna feels like a misfit in her wealthy family and cousin Webb does his best to help her.
Once I got past the whole 2nd cousin thing, I liked Webb and Roanna. A lot of people called ehr a doormat, but can anyone blame her after the way she was treated? I called the ending pretty early one though.
Linda Howard hit the ball out the park with this one. It had everything that makes for a great read for me. First there is Southern family drama. I am from the South and there is nothing that gives me larger charge than reading about the life, loves and scandal of a family set in the South.The bo...
Too much going on and pretty close to some squick factors. But, the characters and chemistry save it from being a train-wreck.