Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy, #3)
Richelle Mead (author)
Format: paperback
ASIN: 7339755
Publisher: Razorbill
Pages no: 443
4.5 stars.I know, some of you may be thinking how could I give this book a 4.5 star rating, especially with a cliffhanger like that. Well, it was because that when Lissa said, "You love him more than me," I didn't really like that. Lissa and Rose have been together since nearly childbirth and in the...
Quotes:Pg. 8"'Well, don't worry. My birthday's coming up. As soon as I'm eighteen, I'll be an adult, right? I'm sure I'll wake up that morning and be all mature and stuff."As I'd hoped, his frown softened into a small smile. "Yes, I'm sure. What is it, about a month?""Thirty-one days," I announced p...
Smash Attack Reads: is fast approaching, putting Rose closer to becoming Lissa’s Guardian. However, after Rose’s traumatic experience in Frostbite, she feels like she might be losing her mind. She is seeing th...
Argh!!!! How long until I can get the next installment from the library???
I think I have to assume that something devastating will happen in every series that Mead writes. With this one I was pretty much crying from the last 40 pages until the end. Talk about heartbreaking! I sort of saw what was going to happen coming but it didn't make it any less horrible. I'm actually...