Shadow Man
Cody McFadyen (author)
9780340840061 (0340840064)
Edition language: English
Series: Smoky Barrett (#1)
Ich habe das Buch schon sehr lange auch die anderen Teile, aber irgendwie kamen immer andere Bücher dazwischen .Trotz riesigen SuB hab ich es nun mal entstaubt und war vom Buch nicht mehr weg zubekommen.Die Geschichte ging mir sehr nahe.Zum Autor: Cody McFadyen hat eine Welt für sich erschaffen die ...
This is the story of a serial killer who believes himself descended from Jack the Ripper; it has a high ick factor from the gruesome murder methods and gruesome descriptions thereof. That notwithstanding, I enjoyed the read by getting interested in the interpersonal relations of Smoky Barrett and he...
A fantastic face-paced thriller, will definitely look for the next one by this author.
I really loved this book. It was chock full of emotions, which I've missed in my latest reads. I'm a bit wary of how the next book is though because of Bonnie. I loved the plot and all the gory details. I really hope the series will continue that style. Uh and what a terrific ending, absolutely love...
I got very emotionally invested in this book very quickly. Smoky's grief was intense and painful to be a part of, but her story sucked me right in.Now that I have a little distance from it (a whole twelve hours!) I can see the things that didn't work - the sudden! sex! with a character who was just ...