by Julia Gibson, Charlaine Harris
Another fast and furious read by Ms Harris. This forth book in the Lily Bard Mysteries starts out with the death of one of Lily's clients. Deedra is a woman who is free with her affections and Lily unluckily finds her out in the woods. Her body is staged perfectly for what could be a crime of pass...
One of the things that I admire about Charlaine Harris is her willingness to follow the growth of her, usually broken or stigmatized, main characters, even when the venture into politically incorrect territory. I've seen reviews of previous books in which Harris is criticised because Lily Bard, a ...
Lily is drawn into a murder mystery when she finds a woman dead in a car, she's a woman known for liking men, a lot of them, and the number of suspects is quite large. Lily Bard is an interesting character and her ongoing relationship with Jack is fun to read about.
Lily is drawn into a murder mystery when she finds a woman dead in a car, she's a woman known for liking men, a lot of them, and the number of suspects is quite large.Lily Bard is an interesting character and her ongoing relationship with Jack is fun to read about.
Fortunately, this book made up for the last. It was entertaining and fast moving. But the fact remains that I still feel no connection with these characters.
I'm... not really sure how to feel about this. The book is entertaining, definitely, and I'll probably be picking up more by her. But on the other hand, it was so chock full of slut shaming that it was very awkward to read, especially when our heroine says in one of the first pages that she's the la...
I am not going to rate this because I am only maybe 30 minutes in to listening to this audio. But I can't finish it given the comments by the main protaganist indicating that a murdered woman put herself in line for this happening because she was promiscuous.
This was a decent read, typical of the series. This one was a little less satisfactory to me and I found the ending also somewhat unsatisfactory. I find that Lily is to me becoming too self involved and I get tired of hearing endlessly about her past. I know one could not get over such an incident, ...
I was really sad when this first started. The victim was a character from the other three books, and she could have worked out as a more main character. But the resolution to this one wasn't what I was expecting! And that made it better. I just don't understand how Lily has become this expert sleuth...
Lily returns in this fourth book in the Lily Bard (Cozy) Mystery series. Another murder has taken place in Shakespeare, Arkansas. This time it's Deedra Dean, a well-known woman about town who's known for her somewhat promiscuous ways. Has her lifestyle finally managed to get her done in? And if ...