This is a fun collection of short fantasy stories with a wide variety of subgenres for everyone to find something to like. Here are the stories that I enjoyed the most:--Six Degrees of Zombie Separation by [a:Molly Neely|15689540|Molly Neely|
Chip Shop Horrors – a dose of entertaining, murderous gluttony. Like carry-out food, Chip Shop is quick, tasty, and unhealthy (antagonists and protagonists would agree if they remained in condition to provide feedback). The food fare matches the menu; you are promised horror related to eating and th...
Loved this book!the book is about people belonging to a city that is the first line of defense for humans. If the werewolves ever tried to take over the human empire, this would be where the first battle would take place. Naturally, the people living in such a place have to be extraordinary-always a...
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