Shane W. Evans
Shane Evans is a creative force. He comfortably wears titlesthat include artist, author, illustrator, musician, songwriter,and founder of Dream Studio, a community art space in KansasCity, Missouri, where he resides. He has more than 30 booksto his credit as an illustrator, including Olu's Dream,...
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Shane Evans is a creative force. He comfortably wears titlesthat include artist, author, illustrator, musician, songwriter,and founder of Dream Studio, a community art space in KansasCity, Missouri, where he resides. He has more than 30 booksto his credit as an illustrator, including Olu's Dream, which healso authored. Many of the books have been featured in themedia such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show,Reading Rainbow, and Late Night with David Letterman. Fiveof his books are scheduled for publication in 2010 including"Chocolate Me" with actor Taye Diggs, "My Brother Charlie"with actor Holly Robinson Peete, and "Black Jack," withCoretta Scott King Award winning author Charles Smith. Hisportfolio includes the "Shanna Show" (now a Disney animatedshort along with the spinoff "Shane's KindergartenCountdown"). In addition, he has exhibited, lectured, anddeveloped art programs for youth in Burkina Faso, Botswana,Brazil, China, France, Japan, Lesotho, and across the UnitedStates. You can visit him online
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